Polygon Filling

Graphics 1 CMP-5010B

Dr. David Greenwood

Spring 2022


  • Polygon Filling
  • Scan Line Algorithm
  • Boundary Fill Algorithm

Polygon Filling

Identify pixels that belong to the interior of a polygon. Once identified, we can:

  • pass the pixel to the rasteriser
  • assign colour to the pixel
  • assign a depth value to the pixel
  • sample a texture for the pixel

Polygon Filling

  • A polygon is a set of vertices that are connected by edges.
  • We need efficient algorithms to fill polygons.
  • We can extend ideas from line drawing to polygon filling.
  • Not all polygons are handled equally!

Convex Polygons

convex polygon
  • interior angles \(\leq 180^{\circ}\)
  • scan lines enter the interior once and exit once
  • triangles are always convex

Concave Polygons

concave polygon
  • arbitrarily complex polygons
  • scan lines enter and exit many times
  • more difficult to fill

Scan-Line Algorithm

The scan-line algorithm must work for both convex and concave polygons.

Scan-Line Algorithm

for line in y=0 to y=height:
    counter = 0
    for pixel in x=0 to x=width:
        if edge:
            counter +=1
        if counter is odd:
            draw(line, pixel)

concave polygon

concave scan

Scan-Line Algorithm

The algorithm seems to work well.

  • Have we considered all cases?

complex polygon

scanning problem

naive algorithm wrongly fills the cavity
  • Enter the left edge, increment the counter and draw.
  • Pass through vertex \(a\), increment the counter and stop drawing.
  • Leave the right edge, increment the counter and draw.

Counting vertex a twice provides a solution.


  • count the vertex twice

Counting vertices twice does not always work.


  • Counting the vertex twice does not always work!

Difference between vertex a and b.
  • consider the edges at each vertex
  • edges through vertex \(b\) are monotonic in \(y\)

Difference between vertex a and b.

If we move around the polygon in a clockwise direction:

  • edges that enter and leave vertex a go in opposite \(y\) directions.
  • edges that enter and leave vertex b go in the same \(y\) direction.
  • edges through vertex b are monotonic in \(y\)

We can split the vertex for monotonic edges:

split vertex

The lower edge is shortened to create two new edge points.

split vertex

Scan-Line Algorithm

process vertices of monotonic edges

for line in y=0 to y=height:
    counter = 0
    for pixel in x=0 to x=width:
        if edge or edge-point:
            counter +=1
        if vertex:
            counter +=2
        if counter is odd:
            draw(line, pixel)

Scan-Line Implementation

Expanding the pseudocode.

Scan-Line Implementation

The first step is to build an array of linked lists, called a Bucket Sorted Edge Table (BSET).

Scan-Line Implementation

Each node in the linked list has 3 members related to a vertex, and a pointer to the next node:

  • y value of the other vertex on the edge
  • x value of this vertex
  • inverse slope of the edge
  • pointer to the next node

Scan-Line Implementation

To determine edge intersections it uses the familiar slope of a line:

\[ m = \frac{y_{k+1} - y_{k}}{x_{k+1} - x_{k}} = \frac{1}{x_{k+1} - x_{k}} \Rightarrow x_{k+1} = x_{k} + \frac{1}{m} \]

Scan-Line Implementation

Before we start to build the Bucket Sorted Edge Table (BSET), we split any vertices on monotonic edges.

  • The BSET is built from the vertex with the lowest y value to the vertex with the highest y value.
  • If the vertex is part of two edges, the first node is for the left edge, and the second node is for the right edge.
  • Split vertices have only one edge, so only one node is entered.

BSET Example

polygon scan

Scan-Line Run Time

The BSET is an initialisation step.

  • It is created once.

At runtime, we use another data structure:

  • Active Linked List (ALL).

Active Linked List

  • Initially, the ALL points to NULL.
  • Search the BSET for the first non NULL entry.
  • Set the ALL to the first non NULL entry.

Active Linked List

For our example, the ALL is first set to \(y_a\).

Active List

The draw function will now draw from \(x_a\) to \(x_a\), that is, just a single point.

Active Linked List

Next, the scan line moves up to \(Y_a + 1\).

  • There is no entry in the BSET for this \(y\) value.
  • Therefore the current ALL has the \(x\) values updated:

\[ x^{'}_{a} = x_{a} + \frac{1}{m_{ae}}, \quad x^{''}_{a} = x_{a} + \frac{1}{m_{ab}} \]

Active Linked List

Now, we have a new ALL:

Updated Active List
  • The draw function will now draw from \(x^{'}_{a}\) to \(x^{''}_{a}\).
  • The x values are updated for each line
  • until a new BSET entry is found.
  • In our example, when we reach \(y_d\).

Active Linked List

y_d scan
  • Scan line is now at \(y_d\).
  • Fetch BSET entry for \(y_d\).
  • merge with the ALL in increasing order of x values.

Active Linked List

Now, we have the ALL:

y_d Active List
  • We draw from \(x_{d}\) to \(x_{d}\) and \(x^{'}_{a}\) to \(x^{''}_{a}\).
  • All x values are then updated for each line with the inverse slope.

Active Linked List

y_e scan

What happens at \(y_e\)?

Active Linked List

We monitor the maximum y value of the nodes in the ALL.

  • when we exceed any maximum y value, we remove those nodes from the ALL.
remove y_e entries

Active Linked List

In our example, we have one more fetch from the BSET.


We have merged the \(y_c\) entry and removed the \(y_{c^{'}}\) nodes.

Scan-Line Implementation

We observe that splitting the \(c\) vertex automatically avoids double drawing of monotonic vertices.

Boundary Fill

Another popular method for filling polygons.

Boundary Fill


  • find the edges of the polygon.
  • initialise a seed pixel
  • from the seed, recursively colour the neighbours.
  • stop when polygon is filled.


4 connectivity
8 connectivity

Four Connectivity

4 connectivity

Four connectivity requires fewer recursive calls, but more steps to complete.

Four Connectivity

4 connectivity
4 fill

Eight Connectivity

8 connectivity

Eight connectivity usually completes a fill with fewer steps.

Eight Connectivity

8 connectivity
8 fill

Eight Connectivity

Eight connectivity fills thin bridges more reliably.

filling thin bridges

Boundary Fill

func fill4(x, y, fill_colour, edge_colour):
    if pixel(x, y) == edge_colour:
    if pixel(x, y) == fill_colour:

    draw(x, y, fill_colour)

    fill4(x+1, y, fill_colour, edge_colour)
    fill4(x-1, y, fill_colour, edge_colour)
    fill4(x, y+1, fill_colour, edge_colour)
    fill4(x, y-1, fill_colour, edge_colour)

Boundary Fill

Some caveats:

  • recursive algorithm - so not memory efficient.
  • leaks due to unclosed boundary
  • premature stop if interior pixel is already fill colour.


  • Polygon Filling
  • Scan Line Algorithm
  • Boundary Fill Algorithm


  • Hearn & Baker, Computer Graphics with OpenGL, 4th Edition, Chapter 4.10
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